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Monday, October 11, 2010


Loves comes in many forms,
Some old
Some new
Some Inevitably committed to failure
Others that contiuously fight to hold on
Those are the ones,
The ones that are worth a lifetime,
A lifetime of true happiness,
A lifetime of sorrow,
A lifetime of memories,
A Lifetime of pain.
- Love Endures All -
Pain & Suffering,
Joy & Fear.
Comfort & Loyalty,
Trust & Deceit.
If you've known unfailing love,
and have let it go once.
If given a second chance,
What do you do when that love re-appears.
Do you chock it up to coincindence
Or has fate reunited for a greater purpose
What are the consequences
What are the Benefits
How do you know
- Faith -
Faith in God
That he knows what he is doing
Faith in love
That it has proven inevitable
Faith in yourself
That you won't let go again

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